Thursday 10 May 2012

Quiz (May 10th, 2012) (S-V Agreement)

Exercise: Choose the correct word from the drop-down list:
1. People in this bar often (order / orders) beer
2. An expert who (like / likes) something is called a connoisseur.

3. The staff  (expect / expects) a bonus at Chinese New Year.
4. There  (is/are/am) a number of different causes for this.

5- This (am/ is/ are) because of a number of factors.

6. For the past 5 years his experience (has/ have) been valuable to our company.

7. Marketing information (am/ is/ are) important to all businesses.

8. He  (lack/ lacks) the experience necessary for promotion.

9. She would  (like/ likes) to make a suggestion.

10. One of the best staff  (leave/ leaves) next Tuesday.
11. Research   (is/ are) an important job of people in marketing.

12. He  (know/ knows) how to satisfy demanding customers.

13. Most of our customers  (come/ comes) from mainland China.
14. The evidence in these statistics (is/ are/ am) clear.

15. The equipment  (arrive/ arrives/ arrived) yesterday.

16. They want someone who (handle/ handles/ can handle) a full set of accounts.

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